A Guide To Prescription Medications For Sciatic Nerve Pain [2020]

There are a range of treatment options available for people who suffer from sciatic nerve pain. In a lot of cases home remedies, lifestyle modification, rest, and proper self care can relieve ongoing sciatica. But when the pain is stubborn and/or prevents you from daily functioning, additional treatment might be necessary.

Often the first line of clinical treatment includes a combination of physical therapy and pain management. Medication is frequently used in treatment. Non-steroidal anti-inflammantory drugs (NSAID) are by far the most common over-the-counter medications. Prescription medications for sciatic nerve pain can also be a part of treatment, typically if over-the-counter drugs don’t help alleviate symptoms.

This guide will summarize how doctors use medication to treat sciatic nerve pain. We completed a PubMed search for “sciatica medication” and “medications for sciatic nerve pain”, and also researched the top academic health websites. Our guide is a roundup summary of what the experts in the field of pain management have to say on the topic.a guide to prescription medications for sciatic nerve pain

Note that this is not an endorsement of any particular medication. Most of the discussion on back pain has been about correcting bad posture and exploring natural pain management techniques. But without a doubt, prescription medication can sometimes play an important role in treating back pain and sciatica, and thus it is worth summarizing here.

Disclaimer: Always consult your physician for questions about any particular treatment or medication.

Guidelines For Treating Sciatic Nerve Pain With Medication

Every physician guideline recommends the use of medication as one part of a multi-disciplinary treatment approach. There are many effective non-pharmacologic treatments for low back pain and sciatica that should be explored, including acupuncture, physical therapy, cognitive therapy, and exercise.

Much of the information about sciatica in the medical includes a discussion of both sciatica and lower back pain, though the two are not synonymous. Thus the following information is applicable to both diagnoses.

The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) in the United Kingdom has provided useful guidelines for using both prescription and non-prescription medications to treat sciatica.

To summarize, the Institute recommends beginning with oral NSAIDs to manage low back pain, at the minimum effective dose and for the shortest period of time. If NSAIDs do not work or aren’t tolerated, doctors can consider “using weak opioids (with or without paracetamol)”. Interestingly, NICE advises against offering antidepressant medications for managing low back pain .

Physician best practices for sciatica treatment in the United States overlap with the recommendations made by NICE. Use of NSAIDs is the recommended first-line treatment. However the American College of Physicians recommends use of tramadol and duloxetine (a serotonin–norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor antidepressant) as the second line of treatment, in contrast with NICE.

Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Medications

For pharmacologic treatment of sciatica and low back pain, NSAIDs are the recommended first line.

Doctors recommend low-dose medications that can be purchased over the counter, such as Ibuprofen or Tylenol. The over-the-counter NSAIDs are meant to provide pain relief. Prescription NSAIDs may be necessary for pain relief if over-the-counter drugs are ineffective. However, sciatica is not characterized by inflammation, and so the anti-inflammatory properties of prescription NSAIDs are unhelpful.

Whether over-the-counter or prescribed, NSAIDs are only meant to be taken for a short period. These drugs raise the risk of heart attack and stroke and may cause kidney damage if used too frequently. Most professionals advise against taking NSAIDs for more than 10 days. If your pain is not responding adequately to NSAIDs, a different medication might be in order.

If your sciatic nerve pain does not respond to NSAIDs, you’re not alone. A systematic review found that most people experience only a minor improvement in pain when using NSAIDs as compared to placebo.


As we noted earlier, there is some disagreement about the appropriate role for prescription antidepressants in treating back pain and sciatica. But plenty of physicians consider antidepressants to be an important part of a multidisciplinary approach to treating pain.

As neurosurgeon Dr. Jason Highsmith writes for Spine Universe:

While the pain-relieving ability of an antidepressant isn’t fully understood, it’s believed that these drugs work in the central nervous system (which includes your brain and spinal cord) to reduce pain signals. This is why antidepressants are particularly well-suited for people with neuropathic pain—that is pain that originates from the nerves. Fibromyalgia is an example of a neuropathic pain condition.

Excerpt from original article published here.

He also notes that antidepressants can help with sleep and anxiety, both of which can affect daily pain levels.

There are several different classes of antidepressants. The most commonly prescribed are selective serotonin-reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs), and tricyclic antidepressants. The most appropriate antidepressant will depend on a variety of factors. Treatment of sciatica with antidepressants will be for a longer time period than NSAID treatment.


Opioid drugs are effective for relieving back pain, though given their potential for addiction they should only be used when other treatments fail to address symptoms. They are used in clinical settings for acute back pain that requires immediate relief, and to treat long-term chronic back pain.

Treatment with opioids should be closely monitored, and should only happen when other options are insufficient.

Common opioid drugs for sciatica include Vicodin, OxyContin, Duragesic, Demerol, and Ultram. Each of these drugs has a similar mechanism for relieving pain symptoms.

Muscle Relaxants

Since sciatic nerve pain is distinct from muscular pain, the frequently-prescribed muscle relaxants for back pain may be ineffective for sciatica. However, people who suffer from a combination of low back pain and sciatica may find at least some relief with muscle relaxants, especially if they experience muscle spasms in their low back.


Prescription medications for sciatica may be necessary to provide treatment and pain relief. They are best used as part of a multi-disciplinary approach that also includes non-pharmaceutical interventions.

See More Here: A Guide To Prescription Medications For Sciatic Nerve Pain [2020]

12 Natural Things To Help You Sleep Better Tonight [2020 Update]

When it comes to sleep, many of us are looking for that “one big thing” to help them sleep better.

But sometimes getting a good night’s sleep is the result of doing a bunch of little things.

Before you shell out money for a new mattress or soundproof walls, why not see if small changes can help?

Some of the best home remedies for insomnia in adults cost less than $50. In fact, some of the very best ones are free.

Here we take a look at 15 natural things you can do to help you sleep through the night. (Without costing you a small fortune.)

1. Have Almond Butter Before Bed

almond butter insomnia

You’ve heard that you shouldn’t eat before bed, right? Well, if you’ve followed that rule and you still can’t sleep, you might want to try a nighttime snack that includes almond butter.

Almond butter is high in (good) fat and so it takes a long time to digest. This helps you avoid dips in your blood sugar during the night. Almond butter also has tryptophan and magnesium, which help you fall asleep.

2. Get A Blue Light Filter

Everybody says you shouldn’t use electronics at night, but most of us do it anyway. If that includes you, consider getting a blue light filter for your laptop or smartphone.

Taking in blue light waves from electronics prevents melatonin from being released properly. Most blue light filters can block over 90% of blue light, so you can keep using your laptop up until bed and the damage to your sleep won’t be as bad.

I use the RetinaGuard filter for my laptop. I like it because it also blocks UV rays, which can cause long term damage to your eyes.

3. Try This Breathing Technique

There is a breathing method called the 4-7-8 practice that many people swear by. Dr. Andrew Weil gives a nice summary of how it works. I’ll let the expert explain, but basically you inhale for a count of 4 seconds, hold for 7 seconds, and then exhale for 8 seconds, and this calms down your parasympathetic nervous system.

4. Drink Tart Cherry Juice

tart cherry juice insomnia

Cherry juice is one of the more popular home remedies for insomnia in adults. Cherries contain small amounts of the natural sleep-inducing chemicals melatonin and tryptophan. Drinking cherry juice at night can help you fall asleep faster and sleep longer. Knudsen’s Tart Cherry Juice costs an extra couple dollars than most others but it’s carried at most stores. You can also buy more concentrated forms at most health supplement stores.

5. Use A White Noise Machine

White noise at night isn’t for everybody, but it’s definitely worth a try if you’re having trouble sleeping. They are especially helpful if you have a somewhat noisy sleeping environment. There are tons of white noise apps you can download but they can use up your battery pretty quickly. You can also find relatively inexpensive white noise machines online.

6. Take In Natural Light As Soon As You Wake Up

home remedies to sleep

We already know about blocking unnatural light at night, but it’s also important to absorb natural sunlight upon waking up. Doing this will keep your sleep schedule on track. A short walk in the morning can do the trick.

Keep in mind that it doesn’t have to be sunny outside for you to take in enough sunlight. However, if you live somewhere with especially dark winters, using a light box can have a similar effect.

7. Drink Valerian Root Tea

valerian herb root

It seems like every article about natural remedies for sleeplessness mentions valerian root. And for good reason. According to natural health expert Dr. Josh Axe, valerian root increases the amount of GABA, a neurotransmitter that helps with relaxation/sedation, in your brain. It also helps ease anxiety, which makes it an extra powerful natural sleep aid.

Most tea brands have valerian root tea, but you can also buy extracts in capsule form. Valerian is also a common ingredient in many natural sleep supplements.

8. Fix Your Magnesium Deficiency

Yes, you almost certainly have a magnesium deficiency. Most people do. The blog Wellness Mama tackles this issue in great detail, and I highly recommend you take the time to read about it.

Low magnesium is one of the unfortunate side effects of modern living. Caffeine, alcohol and processed food consumption, along with depleted nutrients in our soil, are contributing factors.

Fortunately, magnesium deficiency can be remedied through supplementation and/or adding more magnesium-rich food to your diet. One food with a lot of magnesium that’s great for bedtime are bananas.

9. Eat More Bananas

bananas magnesium

Not do bananas have the magnesium your body needs, they are also a great source of tryptophan and potassium. These three ingredients all help to relax your mind and body as you wind down. You can combine a banana with almond butter to make a perfect night time snack.

10. Write It Out

If racing thoughts are what keeps you awake, dumping all your thoughts on to paper (or screen) can be a great way to get relief. It only takes a few minutes and costs you nothing.

Try identifying exactly what concerns are keeping you awake, and then write down concrete steps you can take tomorrow to address those concerns. Having an action plan for dealing with things – even if the actions are small – will greatly reduce your anxiety.

If you don’t like the idea of keeping a physical journal, try a free online one such as Penzu.

brain dump insomnia

11. Aromatherapy

Aromatherapy for sleep is becoming more popular these days, and there is now science to support it. One of the easiest ways to use aromatherapy is by making a simple pillow spray using lavender. (Try this recipe from Wellness Mama.) You can also buy fairly inexpensive sprays with lavender (and other essential oils) that work well.

12. Cool Down

The National Sleep Foundation says you should sleep in a room that’s between 60-67 degrees Fahrenheit. Your body temper naturally lowers while you are asleep, so being in a cooler room can help you get to sleep faster. (By the way, having a fan on at night will also provide some good white noise.)

But if you can’t stand sleeping in a cool room, you can still try taking a cool bath or shower before bed.Even a temporary cold exposure could help tell your body to start winding down for sleep. Author Tim Ferriss says a cold bath is part of his personal regimen.

What If I Still Can’t Sleep? (More Resources)

Don’t worry. There are many more ways to deal with insomnia without taking medicine or supplements to help sleep through the night.

You can learn a lot more about sleep on the National Sleep Foundation website (sleep.org). They have articles that address almost any sleep-related issue you can imagine, and I highly recommend you check it out.

If your insomnia is stubborn and you want more of a step-by-step action plan for getting some sleep, read my review of one of the more popular insomnia products on the internet.

Originally Published Here: 12 Natural Things To Help You Sleep Better Tonight [2020 Update]

How to Combat Post-quarantine Separation Anxiety in Dogs Once Coronavirus Pandemic Subsides

Once stay-at-home-restrictions are lifted and humans start going about their daily lives again, dogs are going to be very confused, according to an ABC News special report.

Steve Dale, a certified animal behavior consultant, said dog owners need to plan for this change.

“Suddenly, the dogs don’t get the email that it’s back to work or whatever that new normal is … I’m concerned we’re going to see a lot of separation anxiety,” he said.

Not all dogs will react the same. Here’s how owners can address dogs with different needs:

Dogs with previous separation anxiety

Many dogs suffer from separation anxiety when their owners leave the house. Dale suggests these owners be proactive and use the tools they have at their disposal, such as:

  1. Probiotics

  2. Pheromone products

  3. Nutraceutical products

  4. Comfort vest

Dogs without previous separation anxiety

Other dogs enjoy the company of their humans but also like a little time alone. Dale said owners should look out for any developing signs of anxiety. Signs of separation anxiety include:

* Dogs howling or crying when their owners leave their homes

* Housetrained dogs having accidents

* Dogs digging at the door, perhaps as a way to try to escape.

Newly adopted dogs

Probiotic Chews for DogsDale said young dogs are quick learners, and owners can use this to their advantage.

“For dogs that were recently adopted or are in foster, here’s what you do: Go take a walk without the dog. If you can, set up a camera or leave treats out all over. If the dog gobbles up those treats, it’s a good sign that the dog wasn’t anxious.”

What do the scientists say?

Nestlé Purina scientists have focused their studies on the benefits of probiotics for dogs with anxious behaviors.

“In searching for a new way to address dogs with anxious behaviors, we focused on the bi-directional communication known as the gut-brain axis — a connection believed to be influenced by the gut microbiota,” said Dr. McGowan, Nestlé Purina Research Scientist. “Scientific evidence has shown that controlling gut bacteria through probiotic administration can have a positive influence on anxious behavior.”

“While anxious behaviors are often thought of as psychological, their effect on a dog’s physiologic state is real,” said Dr. McGowan. “By addressing this at a gut level, veterinarians can offer clients new hope for helping anxious dogs achieve peace of mind.”

Learn More Here: How to Combat Post-quarantine Separation Anxiety in Dogs Once Coronavirus Pandemic Subsides

Shark Tank Weight Loss Products 2020: What’s Real and What’s Fake

Shark Tank is an immensely popular TV show that began in 2009. If you’re not familiar with the premise: entrepreneurs pitch their business ideas to investors, who decide on the show whether or not to give funding.

It’s a fun show, and it’s given a spotlight to a lot of new diet products. After all, millions of people out there are carrying extra pounds and are sick of diets that don’t work. A safe and effective way to lose weight is always going to be in demand.

This is a guide to the various weight loss products that have been featured on Shark Tank. As always, our goal is for you to make informed and safe choices when buying health products.

We also hope this will help you see through all the misinformation put out there by greedy marketers. The only thing worse than being scammed is taking a supplement that could cause you harm.

Related Reading: Our top-rated diet of 2020 has somehow gotten almost no publicity.

Misleading Advertising

Have you seen ads or spam emails about a diet pill that was “featured on Shark Tank”? There are a ton of them out there. But these misleading advertisements always end up taking you to some other diet offer. Often it’s a “keto pill” supplement or something similar.

You’ll see ads that look something like this:

shark tank weight loss scams

What you see here is highly misleading. The two sisters in the picture were not pitching diet pills. Rather, they were pitching a children’s dance company business. No weight loss pill has ever gotten the “biggest deal in Shark Tank history”.

Mark Cuban, a regularly featured shark on the show, has taken notice:

Unfortunately this is the world of internet health products in 2020. There are so many online retailers now that it seems the Fair Trade Commission can hardly keep up.

The point is: don’t assume these marketers are telling the truth. Refer to this guide if you’re wondering whether a weight loss product was actually featured on Shark Tank.

CLA Safflower Oil

Conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) safflower oil is a trendy weight loss supplement that you can buy online or at a supplement retailer. There is a limited evidence suggesting that it helps with weight loss. Further research is needed.

Dr. Russell Greenfield from UNC Chapel Hill School of Medicine wrote about CLA on Dr. Oz’s blog. From his article:

So, should you go out and start taking safflower oil products for weight loss? The answer, for now, is no.

And why not? Because the approach is based primarily on the results of a single small study, a study whose weaknesses are significant.

Full article originally published on doctoroz.com

Despite claims otherwise, there was never a CLA safflower oil supplement featured on Shark Tank. Maybe the sharks are too savvy to invest in something that is unproven at this point.

>>22lbs GONE in 13 days with this strange “carb-pairing” trick<<


Ketogenic Diet Pills

There are about a million ketogenic diet pills out there, and probably have of them claim they were “featured on Shark Tank” in their advertising.

Again, the claims aren’t true. We couldn’t find any keto diet pills or keto supplements that were featured on Shark Tank.

Supplements like KetoBHB, and Keto Slim actually make this claim on their Amazon marketplace listing. How they get away with this, we don’t know.

By the way, do you really need a keto diet pill? The answer is probably no. Instead, following a proven ketogenic diet blueprint should give you the results you want. Your wallet will thank you for passing on unnecessary pills.

NUI Keto Cookies

In November of 2018, company NUI pitched their “keto cookies” concept and scored a $250k investment from guest shark Charles Barkley. The cookies aren’t cheap but they are indeed a keto-friendly option for snacking if you want to follow a strict ketogenic diet.

Check them out on Amazon here.

Cave Shake

Checking the gluten-free, paleo, vegan and low-carb boxes, Cave Shake has wide appeal. The brand of pre-made shakes, created by Holly Heath and Billie Cavallaro, appeared on an October 2018 episode of Shark Tank. After entertaining a few offers, they ended up making a deal with Charles Barkley for $250,000 and a stake in the company.

Mother Beverage

Apple cider vinegar is one of our blog’s favorite weight loss drinks. There is sufficient evidence to say that it helps promote weight loss. Plus you can buy it cheap at the grocery store.

In late 2018, a company called Mother Beverage appeared on Shark Tank. They pitched an apple cider vinegar drink that was specially formulated to go easy on your esophagus. It is meant to be more than just a weight loss drink even though it can help with weight control.

This is not to be confused with a 2015 episode that featured “drinking vinegars”, which was not meant as a weight loss drink. (That pitch was unsuccessful in getting funding.)

To be clear: apple cider vinegar for weight loss is not a scam. We recommend going with a store bought liquid brand. Mother Beverage also sells their formulation online at a slightly higher price, but it may be worth it if you have acid reflux issues. Apple cider vinegar pills are unnecessary and just a way for companies to take more of your money.


The Mealenders supplement was featured in a 2017 episode of Shark Tank. The dietary supplement is meant to induce you to stop eating through natural biological signals. You take it during the moments immediately after a meal – before you feel full – to keep you from overeating.

The concept didn’t get any investment during the show, but business immediately increased following their exposure.

Vade Nutrition Dissolvable Whey Protein

Even though whey protein isn’t only meant for weight loss, we include it here for completeness. Vade nutrition co-founders Joe and Megan Johnson appeared on a November 2018 episode pitching their dissolvable whey protein scoops. (Anybody who has tried to bring protein powder to the gym will understand the usefulness.)

The company was relatively small at the time of their appearance, but they still managed to obtain a $700,000 investment from retired baseball star Alex Rodriguez.

>>22lbs GONE in 13 days with this strange “carb-pairing” trick<<


Be Fit Food

A small company called Be Fit Food had quite a successful pitch on the Australian version of Shark Tank. Dietitian Kate Save and surgeon Dr. Geoff Draper were able to raise a considerable amount of money for their pre-planned ketogenic meal business.

We have not researched Be Fit Food yet, but this review was detailed and helpful. It seems to be a promising health startup that was indeed featured on Shark Tank. It is best for ketogenic diet adherents.

[This list will be updated regularly, so check back for updates!]best of shark tank


Originally Published Here: Shark Tank Weight Loss Products 2020: What’s Real and What’s Fake

The Best Detox Cleanses For Weight Loss (2020 Guide)

If you have decided to do a weight loss detox diet, your next step is to find a trusted program to follow. It is perfectly possible for you to detox at home, but keep a few things in mind when looking for a detox cleanse. If you don’t do your research, you could choose a detox program that’s too difficult or doesn’t work and just wastes your money.

We have reviewed plenty of detox diets over the years. A lot of them are gimmicks, and don’t actually do much besides starve your body for a few days. But there are a few high-quality cleanses that are worth trying if you want to look and feel better.

For best results you need a plan that will challenge you but still nourish you. That’s what this list is based on. These weight loss cleanses can be done at home without any special formulas or ingredients.

We made a list of the absolute best detox diets for weight loss. You might have specific needs from a cleanse based on goals and dietary restrictions, so we decided to give you the best detox for different categories.

Best Vegan-Friendly Detox For Weight Loss

A lot of the “vegan-friendly” detox programs are just juice cleanses, which can be dangerous and ineffective. We found one that actually lets you eat real food along with unique superfood smoothies. That is the Red Smoothie Detox Factor.

Red Smoothie Detox Factor is Liz Swann Miller’s masterpiece home detox program. She is a naturopath who has helped private clients lose weight with her red detox smoothies. The smoothies actually taste good and the diet plan is flexible, so you will have an easier time sticking with it. It lets you eat foods that will sustain you – it is not a crash diet. But it is challenging.

If you are looking for a detox to lose weight, this one should be at the top of your list. We have seen some reviews that are critical, but the fact is that Red Smoothie Detox Factor is quite good. Read our review.

Try Red Smoothie Detox Factor

Best Short-Term Detox Diet

A lot of you are probably looking for a fast detox. Maybe you feel bloated and toxic from a week of unhealthy eating and want to get back on track. It can be tempting to follow a crash diet in these situations, but we suggest you stay away from those. The truth is you can get great results while still getting nutrients.

For a quick cleanse, we recommend Dr. Oz’s 3-day detox diet. We often disagree with Dr. Oz’s ideas because he is too quick to promote unproven weight loss products, but this simple 3 day plan is actually quite good. You can easily do it on a budget, too.

Best Detox Diet For Diabetics

Most quality detox diets will also help regulate your blood sugar, and could potentially help toward reversing diabetes.

detox diet 2019

So if you have type 2 diabetes and want to try a detox diet, you have a lot of good options. That said, we recommend going with something proven, and that is why we recommend the Blood Sugar Solution 10-Day Detox Diet by Dr. Mark Hyman.

Dr. Hyman published this plan back in 2014 and it has remained near the top of bestseller charts ever since. You will want to get the book in order to better understand how it all works and what to do. Perhaps you don’t need to read all 352 pages to know what to do, but it’s worth at least skimming because he provides some interesting insights on how a detox will help you.

The book is not just for diabetics. Many of us have blood sugar levels that are out-of-whack and lead to weight gain and changes in mood and energy.

Best Detox Diet on a Budget

For a weight loss detox on a budget, again we have to recommend Dr. Oz’s 3-day plan. His website claims you can do this diet on $16 a day, which is less than most people typically spend on food each day. The problem is that his diet is rather calorie-restrictive and doesn’t provide a complete set of nutrients. That makes it unsustainable in the long term. But you can always add in additional foods after the initial three days to get the nutrients you need.

Best Detox Cleanse For Gut Health

If you want a healthy gut you need to replenish and nourish you good gut bacteria. Raw, whole food plant-based diets will go a long way toward improving your gut health, and so any of the diets on this list should help in that regard.

This 3-day gut “reset” diet from Amy Shah, M.D. is simple and gives you flexibility. In fact it might seem too simple, but the truth is you don’t need some expensive juice or gimmick diet to accomplish your health goals. Simple is good!

And yes, a diet focused on gut health will also help you burn fat. The foods she recommends are weight loss-friendly, and having a functional digestive system will help your diet goals immensely.

Best Juice Cleanse For Weight Loss

We already mentioned that liquid detox diets can be impractical and unsustainable. But in the short term they can help reset your metabolism and detoxify internal organs if done correctly.

juice cleanse for weight loss

You shouldn’t follow a juice cleanse for an extended period of time. A 3-day cleanse is plenty. The best juice diet we’ve seen is the one Cathy Wong at Very Well Health outlined. It lists a variety of foods that you can use for your juices and smoothies, giving you some flexibility.

The best part is that you will be preparing the juices yourself, so you can pick organic fruits and vegetables rather than trusting a company with pre-packaged juices which are always suspect.


If you choose the right plan to follow, a detox diet can be a great way to lose weight and reap a whole bunch of other health benefits. Take some time to figure out your own needs and budget, and choose one from the list above so you can jumpstart your health in 2019.

best detox diets for fat burning

Learn More Here: The Best Detox Cleanses For Weight Loss (2020 Guide)

Best Diet Plan and Menu For Beginners: 28-Day Challenge

Understand this: keto diets are HARD. There is no way around it.

We read and hear about all the great benefits of keto. Weight loss, increased energy, better sleep… and the list goes on and on.

But we rarely hear about the major downside to trying a keto diet. Some diet plans – even keto diets for beginners – are deeply flawed. Following them will lead you straight to frustration and failure.

The fact is, failure is very common with keto. There are certain keto diet pitfalls that are easy to fall into.

Don’t let that discourage you, though! Ketogenic diets are possible. They wouldn’t be so popular right now if at least some people weren’t seeing great results.

So if you’re considering following a ketogenic diet, let’s take a look at the very best keto diets for beginners. Not all diet plans are created equal, and if you’re new to keto it is essential that you choose wisely.

Keto Diets For Beginners: The Challenges

If you’re just starting the keto journey, know that you will hit some roadblocks along the way. Knowing what’s in store will help you stay the course and reap the benefits in the long run.

In the video below, Ruth May lays out the 5 most common mistakes that people make:

If you prefer to read the summary, the mistakes are:

  1. Not doing enough research
  2. Not understanding what macronutrients are and how many of each you should eat
  3. Eating too much protein
  4. Having cheat meals too early/often
  5. Having negative people around you

These are mistakes that are extremely easy to make, too. But they are avoidable.

One of the best ways to make sure you lose weight with keto is to follow a proven plan.

Choosing A Keto Diet Menu

There is no shortage of options if you want to find keto diet plans and menus. That can be overwhelming and make it hard to choose.

Good news: you can ignore 99% of the keto plans and menus put out there by bloggers and marketers. Very few of these people know what they’re actually talking about. They don’t care if you really succeed with keto, they don’t have your best interests in mind.

The 28-Day Keto Challenge

Don’t pay attention to the diets from bloggers. And avoid doing it on your own, even if you’re following guidelines from real experts.

We recommend the 28-day challenge that has been circulating for a couple of years now. Some people describe it as a “jumpstart”.

But over the full 28 days you end up doing more than just jumpstarting. There is a very good chance you will lose weight, a lot of it in the first 7-10 days. And by the end you should be able to get the full benefits of a keto diet.

You also have the best chance of avoiding “keto flu”, and the plan gives advice for how to get rid of it quickly should you still experience it.

28 day keto diet

Why the 28-Day Challenge?

There are a lot of ways you can get off track with keto. All that does is make you feel like a failure after doing keto for 10 days and then giving up.

The 28-day challenge makes the whole thing easier. You will know what to do – just stick to the challenge.

It’s not your fault if you’ve tried keto before and it didn’t work out. Putting your body in ketosis is a challenging process. You probably didn’t have the right guidance.

Studies show that the ketone bodies themselves may be responsible for the weight reduction associated with a ketogenic diet (1).  To get into a ketogenic state more easily, Exogenous ketones (ketone supplements), can be used (2).

One of the best exogenous ketone supplements that I have researched and currently use is Purefit KETO. It has helped me immensely in my weight loss goals, so I’m working up a complete and thorough review for my readers. If you want to get some before my review comes out, you can get it here.

A great combination is the 28-Day Challenge combined with Purefit KETO for maximum results.

See More Here: Best Diet Plan and Menu For Beginners: 28-Day Challenge

best ketogenic diet


How To See Visible Abs Without a Low Body Fat Percentage

“Abs are made in the kitchen”. Have you heard that one before? What it usually means is, having great abs is all about keeping your body fat low. Some even say that ab exercises hardly matter. Well, it’s not quite true. In fact, plenty of folks have a low body fat percentage but their abs […]

Learn More Here: How To See Visible Abs Without a Low Body Fat Percentage

Magnesium Deficiency: A Serious (But Fixable) Problem

Do you feel stressed out all the time? Trouble sleeping? Restless legs at night? Not sure why you feel tired so often? All of this could be due to a magnesium deficiency. Maybe that sounds too simple. But consider the following… Magnesium is critical for hundreds of biochemical processes in your body. It plays a […]

See Full Article Here: Magnesium Deficiency: A Serious (But Fixable) Problem

4 Reasons You Are Not Losing Weight With The Keto Diet

Ketogenic (“keto”) diets are extremely popular right now. People are completely overhauling their diets to be more “keto-friendly”. There are even magazines entirely dedicated to ketogenic diets. But has anybody stopped and asked whether the keto diet is really the best way to lose weight? Sure, there are plenty of people who lose weight with […]

See More Here: 4 Reasons You Are Not Losing Weight With The Keto Diet

3 Major Mistakes That Most People With Back Pain Make

According to the Center for Disease Control nearly 80% of adults will struggle with back pain or sciatica at some point. If you’re dealing with back pain you know that it’s a serious issue. It disrupts your sleeping and waking cycles. It lowers the levels of serotonin – the our “happy” chemicals – in the […]

Original Post Here: 3 Major Mistakes That Most People With Back Pain Make